Monday, November 11, 2013

Meet the Whitesides

I call him NICK he calls me REB and we are the WHITESIDES.  We have been married for five months now and I decided it was time to start recording our journey in life. I don't scrapbook, and I have a hard time keeping a journal up so we will see how well blogging works. As you can tell we are both dorks and love candy and ice cream, pretty much we're grown up kids.

 LOVE ME YOU is the title of the blog because it is the band name of mine and Nick's music project.  We both like writing songs and singing together so we decided we are going to share our talent with the world.  Nick currently is also in a band called DOUBLE OR NOTHING they are local to Ogden you may have heard of them before, if not check them out here they are also on itunes.  Nick also does song writing for other artists such as the Inspirational Abby Smith from you can follow her work here Her upcoming inspirational album is fantastic, she also has the number one hairstyling book on so her hair and beauty tutorials are amazing.

This blog will mainly feature the work Nick and I are doing, as well as our story, and the inspirational stories of those around us.  We hope to start working on recording an album together, as well as to start playing at weddings, which are one of my favorite things ever! I will also be blogging about our marriage and tips for what have helped us out so far. I think that is everything, so welcome and we look forward to sharing our thoughts and love with you.

With Love, Reb&Nick 

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