Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Adoption not Abortion "A Person's A Person No Matter How Small" (Horton Hears a Who and Pro Life).

This post is about a difficult subject, but one that I am strongly passionate about. It is about ABORTION, which I am strongly against.  But recently I was reading a popular children's book and I discovered that it could be seen as a Pro Life political work.  The Book was HORTON HEARS A WHO by Dr. Suess.

Visit with Horton in Whoville! http://www.squidoo.com/horton-hears-who

To refresh our memories about the story I will quickly summarize it.  Our hero Horton is playing in some water when he hears a little voice coming from a speck of dust. He decides to pick up the speck and put it on a soft piece of clover.  He then discovers that the speck is home to a whole town of people known as who's.  Immediately Sour Kangaroo starts making fun of Horton stating that there is no way anyone is on that speck of clover. Several of the other Jungle creatures join her disbelief and the decide to boil the clover in hot water unless Horton can prove the people are real.  So the town on the clover makes tons of noise to prove they are there, which isn't loud enough until every single person in their town including little JoJo the smallest of them all helped out. Showing that every single person made a difference in saving their town. Once the Jungle creatures realize they really are there. They decide to help protect the people on the clover as well. Following the mantra that, "A Persons a Person No Matter How Small."

Doesn't it sound similar to the fight against Abortion.  Unfortunately for our unborn Fetus's they have no way when they are 12 weeks in the womb to make noise to prove they are there and that they matter. We need to protect them, and prove they are there and have the right to live.  Just like Horton we need to save our little people. So many people will be like the Sour Kangaroo, claiming that since the Fetus isn't fully developed it is still ok to kill them, and that since they don't look quite human yet they don't deserve human rights. It is our job to fight that opinion and prove them wrong!!! Here are some quotes from the story that I feel emphasize the right for every baby to be born. 

"“Should I put this speck down?...” Horton thought with alarm. “If I do, these small persons may come to great harm. I can’t put it down. And I won’t! After all a person’s a person. No matter how small.” "- Horton

"“For almost two days you’ve run wild and insisted on chatting 
with persons who’ve never existed. Such carryings-on in our peaceable jungle! We’ve had 
quite enough of your bellowing bungle! And I’m here to state,” snapped the big kangaroo, 
“that your silly nonsensical game is all through!” And the young kangaroo in her pouch said, 
“Me, too!” “With the help of the Wickersham Brothers and dozens of Wickersham uncles and 
Wickersham cousins and Wickersham in-laws, whose help I’ve engaged, you’re going to be 
roped! And you’re going to be caged! And, as for our dust speck…hah! That we shall boil in 
hot steaming kettle of beezle-nut oil!”" - Sour Kangaroo

“We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts! So, open your 
mouth, lad! For every voice counts!” Thus he spoke as he climbed. When they got to the top, 
the lad cleared his throat and he shouted out, “Yopp!” 
And that Yopp… That one small extra Yopp put it over! Finally, at last! From that speck on 
that clover their voices were heard! They rang out clear and clean. And the elephant smiled. 
“Do you see what I mean?... They’ve proved they ARE persons, not matter how small. And 
their whole world was saved by the Smallest of ALL!” “How true! Yes, how true,” said the 
big kangaroo. “And, from now on, you know what I’m planning to do?... From now on, I’m 
going to protect them with you!” And the young kangaroo in her pouch said,… 
 “…ME, TOO! From sun in the summer. From rain when it’s fall-ish, I’m going to protect 
them. No matter how small-ish! - Dr. Suess

The motto to the story as Horton proudly says, "Even though you can't see or hear them all, a person's a person, no matter how small."

Mondays at #StealStreet. Be kind, Respect, Love, Kindness, Fairness, Quotes, Quote of the day, Dr. Seuss, Cat in the Hat, Horton Hears a Who.

We all know that there is an option, for those who can't keep their newborns.  An option that allows those who can't have children on their own to be able to have the gift of life they so long for.  It's Adoption! and it is a wonderful thing.  Half of my husbands siblings are adopted from Mexico, 4 out of 8.  I could not picture life with out them, and I'm so glad that their birth parents gave their children the right to live. With out it half of our family would not exist. 

Picture half of this family not here, the adopted siblings and their children not in existence. that is the terrible truth of abortion. And so many blessings and love have come from those amazing individuals in our family because they were given the gift of life. It's the least we can do in a world where so many terrible things happen that are out of our control. 

This matter is in our control, and with a change of a few letters, we can change ABORTION to ADOPTION and give life and happiness to those around us.  Especially those who want those children so badly! I'm so grateful for my husbands beautiful family. And for his parents who were so loving in opening their lives to adopting four amazing children who are some of my best friends and siblings in law.  So grateful to them, and for their birth moms who loved them enough to be brave and give them the best future possible through adoption. I have so much respect for them. It really is about love.

So remember, "A Person's a Person No Matter How Small." And so is the difference you can make in the world.

With love, 


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